Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Enfaldig's road run....

With new roads coming up all over Sweden, the demand for road-workers to paint the lines down the centre has increased. Enfaldig called for a family meeting and the entire Te-Flon family agreed that this is an intellectually stimulating one and it was best that Enfaldig applied for the job. He got the job and the entire family was happy.

The first day Enfaldig managed to paint 2 kilometers, and his boss was very pleased. Enfaldig called all the family and gave the news. However, the next day Enfaldig only painted 200 meters, but his boss thought that he'd probably started off too hard on the first day. But on the third day he was only able to paint 20 meters. The boss was quite irritated and called him into the office and demanded an explanation. "Well, you see it's getting so far to walk all the way to the paint bucket," Enfaldig explained.

He is now back home, trying to figure out why he lost his job. Actually, his entire family is flummoxed by it.


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