Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Who is Enfaldig Te Flon???

There is a man...a very large man named Enfaldig te Flon. He is around 6ft, 5inches. Besides his height he is also a very heavy man. May be around 250lbs. He is a very simple man (Enfaldig) and nothing sticks to his head (te-flon). Just like the non-stick coating. He makes loud noises from all bodily orifices. His mother refers to him as 'special''. One must keep in mind that in Sweden, when people are considered to be 'special' it means they are a little off the mark, cuckoo, flipped etc. What does he look like? Well he looks like a viking with an inherrent manufacturing defect from the famous tales of Asterix.

He married a girl whose name is s Anna-Leguan. She comes from another far away viking land. Again a very 'special' person. She looks like a neckless South American Iguana and wears a permanant expression of constipation. Rather short and never smiles. She is in a state of permenant depression. Not her fault at all.

They have 2 children. A boy and a girl. I remember, the first time I saw the boy, a thought flashed into my head. A badly decayed tooth. Yes, that is exactly what he looks and later found he even behaves like that. He has been classified officially as 'special'. He goes to a school just for other 'special' kids like him. A school of 'special'students. The ansestors of the te-Flon family are supposed to have founded the school. Just for their own families. The daughter is the only one who seems to be not so 'special''. Then again, that conclusion is based on her behaviour. Some signs do emerge on and off, still officially that does not make her 'special'. The boys name is Povel and the girl answers to the name Josefina.

Enfaldig and his family live in a small town in Western Sweden, called Ulricehamn. Enfaldig claims to be an enginner. An electric type. However, when he is out on work, all he gets to do is rip down old cables and redundant sturctures. In some parts of Asia this kind of a job is usually done by trained elephants. All it needs is brute strength. However, Enfaldig considers this to be a highly skilled and intellectual job. Which is not suprising. The poor chap feels that he must be paid more as he tends to use all his gray matter for work like this.

Two other people who are considered a part of this family are Enfaldig's mother and father. The mother lives in Stockholm. Rather old and wasted. A bit of a relic. If Eva Braun lived to be 100 years and was a kind person, she would look exactly like this. Her name is Madfrid. She stopped having birthday parties after 50 for 2 reasons. Firstly, she hates to admit she is a relic. Secondly and rather importantly, Enfaldig and most of the family has problems with simple arithmetic. Hense, at one of their recent family meetings this matter was tabled, discussed, seconded and agreed that Madfrid will be 50 years of age in future. Most decision within the te-flon family are does this way.

The father lives rather close to Enfaldig. A pure definition of a hill billy. He used to be in the business of socks. Rather good at it. However things turned the other way, when he decided to make condoms with the same fabric. He claims he used them and has since not had any unwanted pregnancies. Speculation are rampant in the little town. However, if one was to see him, that will exlain why he has no more kids. His name is....never mind!

Opps, I nearly forgot. Enfaldig has a brother. The only one in the family who made a man of himself. He is a doctor by profession and is quite respected in this little town. His wife too is well educated and decent. She keeps away from all the madness that goes on. A clear sign of a smart woman.

The following stories are about this facinating man and his world. Some are so unbeleivable that one will wonder...


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